A paradox of the senses. Something that seems to be so wrong, yet somehow turns out ok. Iced coffee: an experiment gone wrong? There has always been those who seek to be 'first' in the discovery of new things. Those who venture into unfamiliar territory. Nine times out of eight, these wrong turns end up a failure. However, in that implausible moment, there exists the spark of discovery. A new element... a new molecule... a new beverage.
The precise
wrong turn that started people drinking cold coffee hasn't been revealed to us by history. I imagine it was out of necessity... somewhere in a horrific war. The valiant surviving veteran returned home with a palate for the unusual. A taste for the tepid flavors of cold coffee.
Or perhaps it was something that only could of been conceived in the Space Age. The relatively passive discovery of freeze-dried ice cream has led to us to the greater advance in the science of Iced Coffee. Who knows what strange boundaries are yet to be transgressed in the pursuit of coffee.
Bold and out of this earthy.