December 19, 2007
Eternal Truth Worldwide
Here is a sample of one of my favorites: To Him be the Power Forever (1 Pet. 5:6-11)
Donald G. McDougall - June 10, 2007
December 18, 2007
Google Reader
My Episodes
December 11, 2007
Christmas Lights
November 21, 2007
November 9, 2007
RSS Feed
October 31, 2007
Wedding Yay!
We set up a wedding website, it has some photos, stories, etc. with some fun things there. After the wedding we are going on a vacation. I think most people call it a Honeymoon. We are going somewhere special for our honeymoon. It's top secret. Melissa doesn't even know. I've told her to pack two bags, one for hot weather and one for cold weather.
Here is a questions posed to any readers; Where would be a great place for a honeymoon?
Fresh Coffee
2-16-2008 Edit:
I've found them at Crate & Barrel
September 20, 2007
August 29, 2007
August 20, 2007
Aero Ace
August 9, 2007
Olympic Hot Springs

July 28, 2007
Website Maintenance
This website was recently moved by my hosting company, Dreamhost, from one webserver to another. This, unfortunately, hosed my database driven (and fairly slow) image gallery. However, the images weren't lost, except for names and descriptions of the photos. So, it's back up and running, and has some special functionality implemented. As well, I was spurred to setup a few cron jobs to automate backing up website content, etc.
July 12, 2007
Metroid Prime 2: Echoes
June 28, 2007
Victrola Coffee
June 27, 2007
Caffe Umbria
June 12, 2007
Twilight Princess
June 8, 2007
Public Service Announcement: Homeschooling
The Dangers of Homeschooling revealedIn this stunning documentary, the possible dangers of Homeschooling are revealed by a championship Spelling Bee winner. You might be homeschooled if... your best friend is a copy of the Oxford English Dictionary.
May 31, 2007
May 25, 2007
I'm planning on moving to Seattle on June 9th. One of my College friends has an extra room, and I'm going to live there for a month or more. But first, I'm finishing work up here at the ISP, and will have a bit of time to pack and to recover from the lasering.
May 21, 2007
Laser Vision
I am off to have my eyes dilated today. For the reason of getting surveyed for laser eye surgery. Due to my exposure to the harsh krypton sun, my eyes have developed to the point where I effectively need to wear spectacles to make sense of all the blurriness. However, this should soon change for the better.
May 3, 2007
Vulcan Hot Springs

April 24, 2007
U2 by U2
April 20, 2007
April 11, 2007
Reading 4-11-7

I recently picked up the autobiography of President Reagan, An American Life. I've been enjoying that recently, as it's an easy read and insightful of alot of fairly recent American History. I also picked up Umberto Eco's The Island of the Day Before. It should be a fun read, as Eco tends to develop well thought out plots and interesting storylines. Haven't had much time for reading of late, as I'm staying rather busy. But it is a good busy, and I'll catch up on reading somewhere down the line.
April 6, 2007
Major Label goes DRM free
Major Recording Label EMI recently announced that it will offer digital rights management (DRM)-free downloads of its entire digital catalog, and added that Apple's iTunes store will be the first to peddle its wares. Though the Beatles' catalog won't be a part of this deal just yet. This is a good move for a major Record Label, because it means that I can purchase music that will be available to play on any platform, without mind bending DRM. Which means that I can get some new music for my RioCar, which doesn't support DRM, as it's linux based and no longer actively supported.
April 5, 2007
Snively Hot Spring
March 20, 2007
March 1, 2007
Uncle Phil
Went to see Phil Keaggy last weekend up in Coeur D'Alene. I drove up from Boise, and it was snowing pretty heavily on the way there. My good friend and fellow Ibex alumni Matt drove over from Seattle to witness the event. The concert was fantastic, as Phil usually is. We had some time to catch up on life's developments, and headed to Spokane. Then I headed back through Yakima, Washington. Which happens to be my new favorite place; for some of the bestest reasons ever.
Drupal 5.1
Drupal 5 has arrived, and it has descended upon this website. All the neato enhancements of Drupaldom should now be making the website spectacular! I've also enhanced the photogallery navigation with custom mangling.
February 10, 2007
Nintendo Wii
Many years back, I was one of the chosen few who suffered the harsh reality of the Nintendo Power Glove. It was a concept far ahead of its time, and was quite out of place back then. This anachronistic idea garnered frustration and loathing, albeit it was pretty awesome looking in sixth grade. However, with the advent of the Nintendo Wii, the idea has come full circle. The Nintendo Wii is a gaming revolution. It presents the ideas of the power glove, and trumps them fully with an array of today's technologies. All that is needed now is a suite of wonderful Nintendo games to compliment such a fun gaming console. And Nintendo is apparently hard at work bringing the games of the past and future to the Wii.
February 9, 2007
Windows Vista: Event Horizon
Microsoft recently released their long awaited edition of the Windows operating system, Vista; coming in at least nine different flavors. To coincide with this event there seems to have been some horn blowing in the camp of the Mighty Blue Apple (see Mactopia fanaticism). It's fun to see how people can be so passionate about their computers. It's amusing that I have no idea what brand of hammer I own, or what type of tires my Explorer has. Though perhaps the inlaid hammers of craftsmen are a thing of the past, blended into mass produced and indistinguishable quantities of disposable tools. And in the end, that is what an operating system is: a tool.
January 25, 2007
Bruneau Hot Springs
Went to Bruneau hot Springs yesterday, it was an excellent trip, seeing several of the area's hotsprings, or lack thereof. Took the explorer four wheeling, and it was good times.
January 5, 2007
Idaho Hot Springs and GoogleEarth
January 2, 2007
Hot Springs Ahoy!
January 1, 2007
The Song of Reading
I recently read through the Song of Roland. It's an early French poem about the knights of Charlemagne, betrayal, loyalty, honor, revenge, and justice. All in a courtly setting of the Eighth century France and Spain.
I just recieved in the mail today The Existence of God and The Coherence of Theism, by Richard Swinburne. I attended a debate with Swinburne at the 2003 Society of Biblical Literature yearly conference in Atlanta. I really enjoyed Professor Swinburne's application of logic to arguments. Specifically using Baye's theorem for possibility and probability.
I also picked up the Memoirs of William Tecumseh Sherman. Sherman has often been thought of as the first General of Modern warfare. I've heard his Memoirs are a good balance of charisma and fact, so it should be an enjoyable read.