December 30, 2002

White Coffee

I was at a local coffee shop here in Idaho today, and they had a ’trial product’ from their roaster. Anyway, what they called it was "white coffee." Immediately, I thought it was some kind of white chocolate coffee, or chocolate coated beans. However, it was espresso beans that had not been roasted to perfection, they were taken out of the roaster early, before they go black, so they were at the tan stage. Anywho, the owners of this establishment offered to have me try this stuff for
free. Since I have never tried it, and have tried worse coffee products (a.k.a. ’Mazagran’ = ’Starbucks carbonated coffee.’ one of those mazagrans was even fermented), i succumbed to the pressure. They whipped up an americano for me, and I took the lid off, and it definitely looked like herbal tea. I tasted it, and it had the flavor of (or similar to) sucking on a cedar fencepost. It could also be comparable to some of the herbals teas people drink (e.g. lavender sunshine, apricot disaster, lemon nightmare). They said it had a nutty taste to it. Anyway, I just thought I would type this out, if for some reason my body rejects this stuff and I don’t make it to tomorrow  And, also, so that all you coffee people out there would know not to get some undercooked espresso in the name of progress.

Whilst coffee beans unroasted have not have their powers unlocked, once they are roasted to perfection the little green pills become black, and the magic of vitamin "coffee" is born.

One more caveat: beware of any establishment that spells espresso as expresso.

"A fencepost a day keeps the walrus away" 

"Them grinds, they are a changin’"    

December 29, 2002


Yesterday, I went with a bunch of friends to Bonneville hot springs. yay! 

December 24, 2002

I am victorious.

I have dispatched Metroid Prime in the alloted rental time. The universe is safe once again. Now I can get back to the massive reading for the winterim class that starts in two weeks. The good part is that the reading is interesting and mostly ’new to me’ material.
The books on the docket:
The class will be taught by Wayne Grudem, who I am really excited to learn from, as he is a great scholar, well published, and the mix will make school a bit exciting for that week.

Biblical Foundations for Manhood and Womanhood, Recovering Biblical Manhood and Womanhood: A Response to Evangelical Feminism

December 22, 2002

Metroid Prime

Metroid Prime:  I hereby nominate this game for game of the year. On the recommendation of ex-roommate scott, I have rented a gamecube and been immersed in its metroidy goodness. It has all the beauty and style of Tomb Raider, but yet the excitement and thrill of Unreal Tournament. I give it a hearty endorsement for anyone who likes video games and wants to play a real one. 

August 24, 2002

I kindof felt like a criminal...

This summer at high school camp, we had some people bing up their ski boats so that the campers could go water skiing and tubing. The students had to wait on the dock for their turn in the boat. There were some other people on the dock from another camp hanging out, one of them even was playing a Dean guitar. After watching the students all day, one of the boat drivers asked me if I wanted to ski. Normally, i would not have skied  because the water was not glassy smooth, however, he has an exceptionally nice ski boat, a Malibu. Anyways, so I took off my glasses and went waterskiing. After skiing for about five minutes, we were in the middle of the lake and I let go, ready to get back in to the boat. The driver says, "Wait, you should go splash the guys on the dock." Now, having grown up on a lake every summer and waterskiing practically every day during the summers, I am proficient enough to hose the people on the dock. So we head in and I head in the dock, and at the last moment, i fall backwards throwing all my weight on my ski, sending a huge wave of water on the dock goers. As I pop back out of the water, all I see in front of me is the guitar guy, sopping wet, giving me the ’what the heck’ stance. "Oops" I said, "didn’t mean to hit the guitar!" Then I pulled myself back onto the dock and waited for the boat, so I could escape without walking on the dock. 

June 27, 2002

HTML fun

Well, i updated my journal/website a bit. It seems more fun/functional now. I also started reading a novel above my normal daily reading schedule. I am reading The Three Musketeers by Dumas. It is a Fashion Faboo! It’s great so far. 

April 19, 2002

High Speed Chase

I had an amazing experience on the way back from school this morning. We were driving back on I-5, and there was a piece of paper blowing across the road far in front of us. I decided to try and grab it. I reached out the window and caught this piece of paper at 60 mph. It was pretty astounding.